The Delaware Valley Orchid Council (DVOC) is a non-profit organization chartered to promote the study, cultivation, hybridization and preservation of orchids.

The DVOC is organized for the specific purpose of dissemination of information and educating the general public about orchids, through the Council Membership.

The fulfillment of the educational aspects of the Council shall include, but not be limited to, the following areas of endeavor:



The Council consists of duly authorized representatives of Orchid Societies or Horticultural Societies and Commercial Orchid Growers of the Delaware Valley Area.  Commercial Orchid Grower is defined as a recognized orchid related business entity.  Membership in the Council is by vote of the paid voting Membership.  For further information concerning DVOC membership, contact one of the DVOC officers.


President - Valerie Oldham
Vice President – Mitch Paroly
Secretary - Susan Gange
Treasurer - Michael Kauffman